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MuseMind AI's commands

1. /help

Show all MuseMind AI's commands and their functionality

help command

2. /ask or //

This command is used in case you want to ask MuseMind AI in Group chat, If you chat with bot privately, you do not need to use this command

ask command

// command

Moreover, you could tag the MuseMind AI in Group chat to call it instead of using /ask command

tag bot in group

3. /retry

If you are not satisfied with the received answer, you can use this command to tell MuseMind AI give you another answer.

retry command

4. /new

All your interactions with MuseMind AI will be saved as a dialogue, which is done in order for MuseMind AI to know all previous questions, the language you use, and the context of the conversation. This helps enhance the user experience and improve the accuracy of answers to subsequent questions.

chat dialogue

If you want to change the topic or if MuseMind AI provides incorrect language, you can use the command /new to start a new dialogue and continue asking questions.

new command

5. /balance

This command will show you the remain balance of your account, each query in MuseMind AI will charge your balance account if your account type is REGULAR. Follow this link to get to know about balance account and account type.

balance command

6. /referral

This command is used to show your account referral code. All information about referral code and its usage is described here

referral command

7. /pay

You can use this command to get your account payment link, you can access this website to upgrade your MuseMind AI plan (PRO or PRO Team)

pay command

8. /team

Using this command to create your own team, each team can have from 1 to 100 members depend on which team plan you buy. This command can only be used in Private chat

team command

Every time you call this command, you will get a one-time link to access your team management website. This mean when you logout or access from other device, you must re-call this command to get a new link, you can use an old link if you access it from the same browser in old device

9. /team_code

You can use /team_code when you are the team admin/owner only. This command will send you your team invitation code to invite other user to the team (this invitation code can be renew in team management page). Access here to get more information about team invitation code

team_code command

10. /leave_team

If you want to leave the current team or switch to other team, call /leave_team to leave.

leave_team command